Saturday, April 28, 2012

More Schemes for a Non-Midcrit...

After the first Mid-crit we were told that we would have a part two mid-crit tues and to make changes that were discussed in the midcrit. We were to have two guests crits. On the day of class it was reveled that only 6 people would pin up...oh and there were to be no guest crits. The names of who would pin up were picked out of a bucket. Then in a change of play the names that were picked to be pinned up were swapped with the names in the bucket...instead of pinning up they would crit the people who were left. I happened to one of the names left in the bucket (so originally suppose to not present). Besides the fact that it was a bit of a dirty trick I must admit that the whole set up was entertaining.

For the non-crit I came up with new schemes to figure out orientation of the roof scape and the qualities of the galleries. Differences in how the galleries ended were also explored.

At this point the schemes aren't as rich as what the book does as far as layering, how the field appears (roof scape) and the sectional richness. The question "How does it end" still remains unanswered as well. Elements from the each scheme need to be combined (having moments of relief carved out of the walls of the galleries and perhaps ending in a cul-de-sac-like space).

Scheme 1: reliefs 

Scheme 2: straight galleries with some reliefs ending with edge of the cliff

Scheme 3: cul-de-sac and connections

Attempt at combining elements of each

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